Siding is complete!
Not painted yet, but it's up!
Not Caulked yet, but up!
Kim and Bob came out to help us finish the east side. The four of us work well together. Kim did most of the cuts, I was the gopher and I was the third ladder person for those high sections. (I did better than I thought!)
The East side of the house, showing the rock area. We installed the big bay window at the top. Right below that, the long skinny window was where we'd taken out a set of French doors. We just didn't see the sense of having them with the entry door, and that's where we put in the pellet stove.
Another shot of the front...There's only one door on this end now, the sliding doors. There used to be another door on this side also. (The person who built this house must have had a thing for doors!)
We're still debating colors...We looked at shades of brown--similar to cedar. We looked at grays. (Kevin then veto'd gray.) Now we're considering green. An Olive green? Grayish green? We haven't decided yet.
This weekend we hope to get it all caulked and some trim put back up along the roofline. I'm guessing paint won't come until spring. We're getting late in the year to think about painting.
It's done, and it looks so nice! Can't wait to see the difference in our heating bills!