Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chickens on strike

My Chickens are on strike. But, I'm not sure why.

Over the past 3 days, we've gotten 1 egg. ONE. Uno. One solitary, lonely egg. I have approximately 20 hens and one Rooster. And, the hens are on strike.

I told Kev last night that they must be protesting the untimely death of 4 of their boyfriends.

He and Bob butchered 4 of my 5 Roosters last Sunday. We'd been planning to butcher the boys for quite a while, but never got around to it. Sunday was the day. Kev and Bob were "in the mood" and had it all taken care of before I got home from the grocery store. Of course, I told them to leave 2 Roosters, but they didn't listen to little ol' me. You see, one Rooster can "effectively service" 4-6 hens. So, I wanted two Roosters to satisfy my girls and to provide protection from hawks, AND I hoped that by having two Roosters, they would fight with each other and leave me alone. There's nothing more startling than to be attacked by a Rooster. But, those MEN didn't listen to me, and killed one too many. (Yes, I know that according to my ratio, I should have kept three Roosters, but I felt that someone would get some rest if there were just two Randy Roosters around.)

So, the girls haven't had to "service" any men lately. I thought they'd be relieved. The feathers on their backs might grow back in now. They might not have to succumb to the untimely attentions of two or three men at a time, or one after another. They might get some rest. And, that poor Rooster must be tired, and need his rest too, after all, he now has to "service" 18-20 ladies!

Evidently my girls liked all that attention. And now, to punish us, they are holdin' them eggs inside. That has to be it. Revenge. Can't be anything else. Revenge. Those ungrateful wenches. I guess that if this trend continues, I'll have to have a talk with these old biddys. I'll just have to remind them that what happened to the boys can happen to the girls too.

Yep, that's just what I'll do.

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