Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring projects

It's been a busy time at our house lately. We've spent hours getting Miss Kat to look like this:
She was asked to Prom by a Junior boy. Shopping for the dress was...interesting...especially since Miss Kat likes to shop and I detest shopping. But, she looked beautiful and had a great time at her first prom, her first after-prom and her first after-after-prom.

The babies are growing. I've started weaning them so they can hopefully go home soon.

Kev and I have started cutting down cedar trees out at the farm. They've taken over the creek and are considered an invasive species. We cut down more than a dozen trees one Sunday afternoon and it didn't even make a dent in what needs to come out. I think it will take us a good 30 years to rid the farm of all the cedar trees.

BUT...Kev did figure out a use for some of them:

It's a new grape arbor for my grapevines. I think I could set a bench out there during the summer months and just enjoy the view as well.

Here's what he did for the top:

A closer view of the sidewalls, including grapevines:

He's just a clever guy. I think I'll keep him around for a while. After all, we have a lot of cedar trees to cut down and use somewhere!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I've been waiting to hear about a prom post from Miss Kat's mother. You went easy on her so it must not have been too painful for you! I have 2 dresses if she ever wanted to look at them in the future too. And I love the use for the cedar trees! Very cool for your grapes.