Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You can justify just about anything

This morning I stopped at Loves to get a bottle of pop in the 1 liter size. I've pretty much given up pop, I might have one once a week now when 4 months ago, I HAD to have a Diet Dr. Pepper every morning. And I often had to have two to get me through the day. So, I quit. Cold Turkey. I was miserable. My family was miserable. Caffeine headaches are nothing to laugh at. Mine lasted two solid weeks. And I was grumpy enough that everyone at home and at work told me to go get one and drink it!

We survived. But, I've learned that I no longer can tolerate much caffeine. If I have a glass of tea for supper, I can't sleep. If I have a can of pop in the evening, I can't sleep. So, I've learned to just drink water.

But this morning, I stopped to get the 1 liter size of Dr Pepper. Why? Well, I needed a bottle in that size.

Yes, I need the bottle.

Miss Monkey has not rejected me completely. Her momma isn't giving her quite enough milk and she was hungry last night!

She's a little bigger now and needs more that my Mike's Hard Cranberry bottle will hold. So, you see, I needed that liter bottle!

Anything for a good cause. And, I'm not the only one who can justify just about anything.

Kev and Andy can as well.

They are running around my house, morning and night, with turkey calls in their mouths. Yes, I have a chorus of turkeys serenading me, annoying me, making my hair stand on end...You see, turkey season starts soon, and they have to practice.

Yeah. Right. Sure.

See? You can justify just about anything.

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