Friday, August 18, 2006

Living with a teenager in love

It's interesting to watch teens in love. I like Andy's girlfriend, but she sure has complicated our lives.

Phone calls. They are on the phone constantly. It's worse now that she's moved across the state. She has unlimited long distance. So we get lots and lots of calls. Andy's been informed to only call her on his cell phone, and preferably after 9:00 p.m., when it's free, or weekends, when again, it's free. Of course we told him this AFTER he'd called her on our phone and spent over an hour having an intelligent conversation. Part of which went like this-- "I miss you." "I miss you more." "No, I do." "No, me."

This went on for 5 minutes. How do I know? I was sitting on the couch, listening.

Watching their behavior when they were together was interesting as well. Lots of fingers brushing other fingers, arms on shoulders, bodies accidently bumping into each other as they walked beside each other.

It amuses me, and makes me remember how nice it is to be in love. It's nice to see my son discover these new and exciting feelings. There's a tenderness and an innocence that I want him to remember his whole life. (And I'm positive it is innocent. They've been well supervised.) I don't want him to lose this.

And yet, it also saddens me. I'm no longer the most important female in his life, and I'm learning. He's pushing to grow up and it annoys me. I wasn't mentally prepared. In three short years, he'll be gone. There will be other women who will take my place as the most important woman in his life. I'm also seeing a different side of my husband, who is more annoyed by his son's love life than he is understanding. Kev is annoyed if she calls. He's annoyed if they talk on the phone very long. He'd be annoyed when she was at the house. He's annoyed because Andy wants to buy her a present. He's annoyed by the whole thing.

I'm amused, he's annoyed. What's with that? Makes me wonder if he remembers being a teenager in love. I'm thinking it's easier living with a teenager in love than it is living with the father of a teenager in love...

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