Monday, August 21, 2006

Remarkably ordinary

This past weekend was one of those perfect weekends. The weather--perfect. Cool, temperatures in the 70's and 80's, cloudy all day, both days. No rain, but you could smell the ozone all day long. I picked beans on Saturday. My bean plants haven't done well this summer, but Kevin and I picked and then I drove to a neighbors and picked hers. (She's finished for the summer after canning 47 quarts, so now, they are mine.) Kim went with me, as she wants to learn how to can. Imagine, me teaching someone how to can...I taught myself from a book!

We picked all the beans before 9 and then gathered all 5 kids to help snap beans. We all sat on the floor in the living room, snapping beans and visiting. A couple of us watched TV as much as snapping beans, but all were snapped within half an hour. Then, Kim and I canned them, we canned 9 quarts of beans. At noon, we sent Kev to town for pizza and all had lunch together. After the H family went home, Kev and I were lazy, and just relaxed for a while, then ran to town to look at a patio set that Walmart had marked down to 1/2 price. Andy found 5 more eggs in the feed shed, but not knowing how old they were, we tossed them to the cats. We gathered 18 eggs today. Small in size, but large in numbers!

Supper was BLT's, with homemade tomatoes. We still aren't getting many, but have eaten enough to make us want more.

Spent a lazy evening, enjoying each other's company and an early night to bed.

Night time is my favorite time. We are both snugglers, so we snuggle down to sleep, sometimes visiting, sharing our day, our thoughts and dreams for our home and our kids, but we have to be touching each other before drifting off to sleep. I'm almost always the last one to sleep, which annoys the heck out of me, but...Then again, I like listening to Kev breath beside me. There's a security and comfort in having him there.

Sunday was just as ordinary, but wonderful. The weather was still perfect. We put together the patio set and put it on the porch. Looks good there too! Then Kev decided to tackle the leaky outside faucet while I decided to tackle the kid's laundry. Somehow, I wound up spending as much time outside with Kev as I did inside! I mopped the kitchen (much needed!) and did 3 loads of laundry. He spent quite a bit of time digging out that faucet. After lunch--leftovers, Kat and I ran to town to get her school supplies while our men went to shoot trap. Supper consisted of grilled deer steak, grilled potatoes and onions with roasting ears. The pullets gave us 20 eggs today! Oh, and Kev got the new outside faucet installed--nothing broke and it all went back together beautifully. Only shortcoming...well, when he measured the old one, he said it was 5'8", so he got a new one of 5'. However, the length is actually the buried length, so we should have gotten a 4' faucet. But, we decided that we just won't have to bend over as far to turn on the water! Good planning--right!

I managed to do a little cross stitching, and paid the bills before calling it a night. But, as I snuggled in bed, next to my best friend, I felt that it was just a perfect weekend. No demands other than those we wanted to make for ourselves, perfect weather, good company. A perfectly ordinary weekend. Perfect.

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