Friday, February 09, 2007


The kids have a day off from school...again. They are home alone, hopefully doing their chores and getting a.l.o.n.g.

I got a phone call at 9 a.m. from Miss Kat. I answered, and heard this little soft, pitiful voice say:

"Mommmmmy, I don't feel very well."

Now, I saw Miss Kat this morning before I left. She was awake, I gave her a good-bye kiss right before walking out the door. We discussed her bad dream last night and what she was going to have for breakfast and what chores she has for the day. She acted and sounded fine.

An hour and a half later, I get the phone call.

Now, being the sensitive, caring mother that I am. I replied to my oh, so pathetic sounding child, "Ok, well take some medicine and then clean your room."

To which she immediately replied sounding not quite as pathetic, "Uh, that was very insensitive of you Mom."

I then burst out laughing. Imagine, my almost 11 year old coming up with that! Too funny.

Imagine how she reacted to my laughter! Oh, the people she has to put up with. How sad, that the one person she needed sympathy from, her mother, simply told her to buck up and clean her room. Poor little girl.

I wonder what story/excuse the next phone call will bring. No matter, my child knows that what ever the crisis, I will be there with sympathy and sensitivity.

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