Friday, December 01, 2006


Looking down below, I realized that I hadn't updated anyone about our missing cat, Chubs.

We found the little twerp the night I blogged. Well, Kevin found him--under an up-side-down trashcan. Kev said the trashcan was right in front of the door, but it wasn't that morning when I looked in the shop. Kev said he heard Chubs meowing from under the trashcan. But I didn't hear anything when I went looking for him.

Evidently, he'd been there a while, because there was poop under there too. But I swear that the can wasn't there in the morning before work. I know, because I walked into the shop. No matter. We're still not sure how he got trapped under there, but we're grateful that we found him.

I had forgotten how much joy and laughter a housecat can bring. We have another one, Cutie, but she's a crabby old thing, and she absolutely hates Chubby. Chubs is still a kitten, and he just brings us so much joy. Most of the time. He didn't bring me much joy when he drug a pound of hamburger out of the sink and ate most of it in Kat's bedroom. And, he doesn't bring me much joy when he subtly tells me to clean the litter box--by leaving a pile in the middle of the laundry room floor. And he's rather annoying as he lays in the middle of the kitchen floor, right under foot. But he does bring me joy when he's playing with the ring off a milk jug and when he attacks toes that move under the blanket and when he carries his toy mouse around the house. And he even brings me some amount of joy when he goes with me to feed the chickens and the goats. I swear, he thinks he's a dog and that's his job, to escort me during chores.

So, Chubs is safe and sound at home. He's outside today, terrorizing the rest of the cats, but I'm confident that he'll be sitting by the front door when I get home, ready to come in and share the rest of his day with us, his family.

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